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The Stamp Collecting Report, I'm Lloyd de Vries.
U-S Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe says stamps are important to the Postal Service.
“The stamp program helps us in terms of both branding and as part of the national
organization that we are. People love stamps and stamps represent a lot of our culture
and our history.”
LdeV: How do you feel about this year’s stamp program? Any favorites in it?”
PD: “Oh, we’ve got some really, really nice… Of course, one of my favorites is the
Hot Rods, but it’s been a great program.”
LdeV: “Now, I understand that you’re a car buff, and so I think that while you’re
Postmaster General, we can count on some more auto stamps?”
PD: “Yeah, I need to— we need to get rolling. I’ve got to try to talk to the Citizens
Stamp Advisory Committee to come up with… maybe pickup trucks. That would be a good one.
We’ve done a number of car series, including the Hot Rods, so trucks might be good next.”
And, in fact, other sources tell me there is a set of pick-up truck stamps on the
way — not this year or next, but eventually.
I'm Lloyd de Vries of The Virtual Stamp Club. For more on stamps and stamp collecting,
visit virtual-stamp-club-dot-com.
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